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A Shocking And Controversial Digital Experience

Alex Jones' Official Video Game

A Shocking and Controversial Digital Experience

Immerse Yourself in the Infowars Universe

Prepare yourself for an unforgettable gaming experience unlike any other. NWO Wars, the official Alex Jones video game, invites you to step into the shoes of the legendary conspiracy theorist and embark on a thrilling journey. For the first time ever, you'll witness the world through Jones' eyes and engage in the relentless battle he wages against the shadowy cabal known as the New World Order.

As you navigate through treacherous levels, you'll encounter a myriad of enemies, from Big Tech overlords to frog-morphing reptilians. Armed with an arsenal of truth bombs and an unyielding determination, you'll expose the sinister secrets and uncover the truth that has been hidden from the public for far too long.

NWO Wars is a gripping and thought-provoking game that will challenge your beliefs and ignite your inner skeptic. Prepare to embark on an adventure that will leave an indelible mark on your gaming experience and your understanding of the world as we know it.
